17 September 2009

pubs + blokes

our quick hop across the pond was, actually, really quick. we hardly got any sleep. but who needs sleep when you're in a foreign country for the first time?!

our hotel was in the kensington district. sounds fancy (it wasn't), but so does everything outside of the US. we dove right into sightseeing: first stop, a pub for a beer waaaaay before noon. hooray! people were really friendly and chatted us up. london pubs are more like american coffee shops; people sharing tables and coming in alone on a wednesday morning, just to read the paper.

after wetting our whistles, we walked around hyde park, kensington palace and other random spots that we'll never remember. that night, thanks to bob, we ate the most gorgeous steak sandwich at the eagle in farringdon. we felt like locals and said for the first of many times, "let's move here!"

except it wasn't empty.

gardens @ kensington palace

being tired at some 
place of interest    
(i swear, there ARE pics of brandon on this trip....)

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