30 September 2009


slowwwwwww morning. we looked like death warmed over. which is probably why when we asked a shop owner where the closest laundromat was, he thought we wanted him to take our clothes. yikes.

against our better judgement, we went back to the scene of the crime to take pics since we didn't have the camera yesterday. (at this point, we didn't have the fun pics from our german friends...and probably didn't remember taking them anyway.)

then we walked around munich a bit to try and see some of the actual city. seemed cool, but was such a blur. it was about time for our overnight train and we were anxiously anticipating our bunkmates in the 6-bed couchette. would they speak english? would they be male? female? old or young? would they drug us and mug us? so many exciting possibilities.

we were relieved to find we had 4 female roomies: two elderly sisters (kitty + sharon–from america!) and two 30-something friends. so the closest we came to being assaulted was listening to sharon's snoring all night.

[you may not know this, but if i squint hard enough, i can read german. see proof below:]

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