08 October 2009

fantástico french people

our last day was off to a good start:
  1. arrived for breakfast early enough to not be scolded ✓
  2. mailed our last batch of postcards without a hiccup. after 6 cities and countless embarrassments, we finally knew what we were doing! we marveled at our vast knowledge of worldly post offices. ✓
  3. rode aerial cable cars up to mount montjuic, where brandon remarked that the view was "fantastic." turned around to see a cruise ship in the bay named "fantastic." hahahaha...✓
we couldn't end our big trip without one more stop on the i ♥ architecture 2008 tour: mies van der rhoe's barcelona pavillion. pretty sexy. brandon was drooling. ok, so was jenn.

we had bad luck for lunch because we couldn't find anything. we had to eat at some little tourist stand at a museum, but that didn't bring us down. mostly because the cashier thought we were french! wow...we must have gotten really cool on this trip. she didn't think we were estúpido americanos!

on our way down the mountain, we stopped to sit on a balcony and drink sangria. (our last sangria ☁!) fully recharged, we went down to walk on the beach until we were tired again.

our last supper was at the oldest restaurant in barcelona. nice experience, but food was nothing to rave about. however something incredible happened there: we saw a little spanish boy wearing a wyoming tshirt!!! a perfect note on which to end our adventure.

1 comment:

Unemployed said...

nooooooooooooooooo i don't want it to end!!!!!!!