16 September 2009

bk was the last supper?

september 16. the big day!

after saying goodbye to my aunt and uncle in newton, we headed into boston to run some last minute errands. things went smoothly, except no one would take the tv we were getting rid of. we took it to goodwill, they said no. we tried salvation army. no luck there. after a momentary freak out, we somehow got rid of the tv........don't ask how. 

we were all done with our final boston responsibilities by 2:30pm....except for getting rid of the pump for our broken air mattress. (what is it with us and random electronics!?) again, we lamely tried to take it to recycling place after recycling place. no one would have it. we finally walked into office max and said, "do you take these?" they looked at us like we were crazy, but took it from our hands. so we said, "it says to take this wherever batteries are recycled. thanks!" and we ran out. 


i think we ate burger king at copley square. yes...that just happened. we went to the public library for one last check of email and headed to the airport. brandon took the first of many pictures of only jenn (wah wah).

then we hopped on a virgin atlantic flight, too excited to sleep. 

virgin was great.. it might have been the flight attendants' british accents. it might have been the free booze. might of been in-seat tetris. 


Andy said...

I'd go with the in seat tetris.

Glad to see you guys back on the interwebs, now if only I could Journey Bomb your website.

Kristin said...

IN SEAT TETRIS - I might just fly to Europe and back without de-planing just for in-seat tetris! I can't believe you held out on my with that info!